Wednesday, June 5, 2013

My Accomplishments

I have very few accomplishments in my life so far.  I am only a sophomore in high school and most of my accomplishments are yet to come.  So far in life, I have only finished a few things in my life that I would consider goals.  My first goal that I have accomplished is being able to play on a travel soccer team, and eventually be one of the star players on my JV school team.  I am pictured in the middle of the second row.  I play center defense and defensive midfield for my team.  I do not score goals for my team but I provide assists and defensive help for the team.  Another goal that I have accomplished my MYP personal project.  My project was to collect and donate the uniforms shown in the photo above.  It was a huge success and I sent out thirty-four uniforms to those who were in need of them.  Other accomplishments that I have made are less significant.  Things like achieving a 3.6 GPA in my Sophomore year of high school, which my not be very impressive to some, but was a large accomplishment for myself so I am proud of doing what I did and being able to see it through to the end.

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